Glitter!Bunny Card 36 Blooming May

Glitter!Bunny Game Card 36, "Blooming May," A digital collage with a base photograph of hydrangea flowers in blue, pink and purple, with a textured border on the right edge that starts at mauve at the top, transitions to fuchsia then purple at the bottom. A hint of gold foil is along the bottom, and blue and purple paint from my abstract impasto paintings is splattered across the artwork, as well as copper paint splatters.
"Blooming May"


Glitter!Bunny Game Card 36, "Blooming May," A digital collage with a base photograph of hydrangea flowers in blue, pink and purple, with a textured border on the right edge that starts at mauve at the top, transitions to fuchsia then purple at the bottom. A hint of gold foil is along the bottom, and blue and purple paint from my abstract impasto paintings is splattered across the artwork, as well as copper paint splatters.

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Glitter!Bunny Play Style 2 Card (Orange): Favorites. Competitive, 3-10 Players. Deal 6 cards to each player. Player 1 lays down a card. Other players each play 1 face-down card from their hand that is most similar or complementary. Mix and reveal the cards. Player 1 picks their favorite match and gives their card to that player. This counts as 1 win. All players draw 1 new card. Repeat with the next player until someone wins 5 times.

Glitter!Bunny Card Favorites

SummaryGlitter!Bunny Play Style 2 Card (Orange): Favorites. Competitive, 3-10 Players. Deal 6 cards to each player. Player 1 lays down...

Glitter!Bunny Play Style 1 Card (Pink): Mosaic. Cooperative, 1+ players. Flip 1 card and place it in the center. Deal some cards to each player. Share as needed. Players take turns finding similarities with the center card and placing 1 card in any open direction. Play continues until all cards are used or there is no more space. Post your mosaic on the Glitter!Bunny website! #GlitterBunnyGame Includes QR Code for sharing mosaics.

Glitter!Bunny Card Mosaic

SummaryGlitter!Bunny Play Style 1 Card (Pink): Mosaic. Cooperative, 1+ players. Flip 1 card and place it in the center. Deal...


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