It’s a new, unique art collage card game that everyone can play! 100 copies are being donated to local organizations.

Buy your own copy, tell your favorite organizations to apply, & join us for a play event on April 5th!

Luna Anemone & Hollie Blakeney

Support for this work is provided by a Rocket Grants project award, a program of Charlotte Street and the Spencer Museum of Art. Funding is provided by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

I'm an Autistic Artist.

I use color, pattern & texture to make deeply authentic art.

Bachelor button flowers in blue and purple with sparkle paint splatter and other digital collage on top.

Art Collections

What I Do

Abstract painting with a light blue, neon orange, pink, and yellow impasto texture with copper sparkles splattered on top.


Paintings, Collage, Drawings, Sculptures and more..

I use my instincts and plumb the depths of my experience to create work that is colorful and magical, dealing with fun or difficult experiences and translating them into something that speaks to your soul.


I'm always cooking up something new, and I love to collaborate.

Glitter!Bunny: A card game for everyone! showcasing 6 cards from the deck.
Orange, yellow and blue abstract digital collage with gold circles and paint splashes.


Art workshops are fun when you have a teacher who is passionate about teaching art and helping you create things your way.